Juliet's hiding from her feelings about the recent loss of Ben, the love of her life. If Juliet didn’t have to walk Ben's loyal dog, Minton, she'd never leave their half-finished house. Then her mother asks Juliet to take the elderly lab, Coco, along for the walk. One dog leads to another, and soon Juliet's the unofficial town pet-sitter. When she takes on a lonely spaniel, and gets to know its attractive owner, she realizes that her emotions aren't as easy to handle as her canine charges.
Walking Back to Happiness is a story of
love, life, loss, family, friendship and new beginnings. Walking Back to Happiness is a true testament of how life is a
roller coaster and we cannot always have total bliss. We need to have a few bad
times in order to grow and live. I liked the way the author has Juliet work
through her grief and loss with her family, and her new friends gently urging
her along, even though she did not see it at first. The dogs Minton, Coco and
the rest truly capture your heart as well.
emotional component of this novel was very realistic and heartfelt. It was not
a simple, "watch her get over loss of her husband and move on to someone
new" kind of book. It was very honest and often heart wrenching but
ultimately hopeful and life affirming. Anyone who has had their life flipped
upside down can relate and be inspired by this wonderful story of hope and
survival amidst life's worst situations.
recommend this story and I love that she uses dogs as characters which always
find a way to lead people together & making their lives brighter.