Literary Insights

Literary Insights: A Book Lovers Review

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Legend of SHEBA Rise of a Queen

This description had me intrigued: “Here is the tale that is told: A desert queen journeyed north with a caravan of riches to pay tribute to a king and his One God. The story of a queen conquered by a king before she returned to her own land laden with gifts. That is the tale you are meant to believe. Which means most of it is a lie.”

1000BC, the king of Sheba is dead and Bilqis, also called Makeda, his exiled daughter, has gained the crown after a desperate overland march and battle for the capital. Solomon, the brash king of Israel famous for his wealth and wisdom, will not be denied the tribute of the world, or the riches of Sheba. With the future of her nation at stake, the one woman who can match wits with Solomon, undertakes the journey of a lifetime, in a daring bid to save her kingdom.

In this novel, Lee has so thoughtfully and diligently researched all aspects of the rare Queen of Sheba who was never married and thus ruled her kingdom without the aid of a King. You get a sense of how difficult it would have been to be one of the only woman to rule a kingdom without a man by her side as King. The uncertainty of what would become of her, if there was no heir to her throne. An explosive retelling of the legendary king and queen and the nations that shaped history. Lee has written a powerful new novel about a queen’s torrid love affair with King Solomon, filled with love, illicit passion, the illusion of possession, and the ultimate surrender to God.

I love, love, this beautiful story of power, worship, and romance in a time long forgotten but still captured in fragments in time. Captivating and thought-provoking, it will change the way you see; the relationship between King Solomon and the legendary Queen, and King Solomon's writings.

I received copy of eBook from Net Galley and publisher Howard Books for my review.

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Monday, September 1, 2014

Love Story: The Hand That Holds Us From The Garden To The Gate by Nicole Nordeman

Nordeman is gifted with a unique and creative writing style. The book is a great blend of humor and contemplative thought with her personality showing through. Her ability to transfer Bible characters and make them relatable in a very personal way is divinely inspired. Love Story, much like her songs, is genuine, insightful and thought-provoking.

Nordeman makes the biblical characters come alive in such a unique way. Her willingness to open up about her own life just endear you to her even more.  Each story, whether Bible stories or her personal stories, is told with such passion and vivid imagery it as though you are watching it unfold right before you for the first time.

This author is in tune with what the blessings of our God can be for us now, as they were in Biblical times.  Nordeman’s insight and humor combined with the gift of arranging words causes the reader, in a moment to laugh aloud and the next, to be moved to tears, in a series of
essays all tied together in a beautiful book which becomes poetry in prose. Each chapter ends with the lyrics to the corresponding song from the album, Music Inspired by The Story.

Love Story is a captivating and easy read. An inspiring and delightful book and I highly recommend buying lots of copies to give away. I received copy of eBook from Worthy Publishing for my review.

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