Literary Insights

Literary Insights: A Book Lovers Review

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Christmas Candle By Max Lucado

The story begins in 1664, with a candle maker and his wife. An angel comes and blesses a candle made by the chandler of Gladstone, one every twenty-five years. Light the candle and pray, then miracles happen. Enter a reverend who doesn't believe in miracles, a family grown old with no heirs, and a town full of people in need of God's grace.

First, I love Max Lucado and his books. I also love Christmas stories with a message of hope, faith, miracles, and God’s power to help us when we call on Him. The Christmas Candle does not disappoint.

The Christmas Candle is an enjoyable tale of an angel visitation in a small town. This was an excellent book to get you in the spirit of Christmas.  This has a great story about faith, hope, and love. I would recommend it to anyone and look forward to pulling it out every holiday season. A quick, inspirational read. Grab several copies as you will want to give as gifts anytime of the year. Max Lucado is a great writer and gives us a beautiful story.

Be sure to see the movie coming out November 22, 2013 with a special cameo of Max and Denalyn Lucado.

I received copy of  the Book from Thomas Nelson Publishers in their Booksneeze Blogger program for my review.

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Monday, October 28, 2013

His Treasure: Gems of Love from Your King by Sheri Rose Shepherd

If you have ever struggled to find a way to connect your heart to your heavenly Father, His Treasure is the book for you.

This book of beautiful “love letters” from God, to you, will discover treasures of truth, real love, and wisdom from God’s Word.

This book has gems of love with a note from: Your Loving Father, a scripture to go along with the letter, and a “treasure of truth” section.

I love the letters from God and the scripture to go along with it. The book was filled with beautiful pictures and wonderful treasures of truth throughout. Written from the prospective of God speaking to His beloved daughter and accompanied with appropriate bible verses. If you'd like to get a better sense of the Father God who loves you, this book is for you.

I highly recommend this delightful book for daily reading. Every page is filled with biblical truths and love notes from the King. Every note is personal and addresses a different area of struggle. His Treasure can be used as a bible study. Also the book is small enough to carry around and beautiful enough to give as gifts.

I look forward to being able to pass the encouragement along to others.
Thanks to Tyndale House Publishers for providing me with a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my review.

Monday, October 21, 2013

What Are You Afraid Of? By Dr. David Jeremiah

In the busy-ness of life it is often easy to forget the One who is in control and succumb to the pressure and pulls of life. We are constantly anxious, intimidated and fearful which prevents many Christians from living the life God called them to live.
Everyone is afraid of something: failure, success, loneliness, crowds, death, and life; the list is endless. And no one is immune to fear. Fear haunts the weak and the powerful, the young and the old, the rich and the poor. It is the great equalizer.

Well, fear not! There is hope. In What Are You Afraid Of? Dr. David Jeremiah identifies and explains what is at the heart of nine of our greatest fears and lays out a biblical plan for overcoming each one of them. He also examines one particular fear that should be part of our daily lives: the fear of God.

Dr Jeremiah’s book is targeted toward young and old adults who are dealing or have dealt with fear and want to overcome its strong grip on their lives. With most fears in teenagers being terrorist attacks, spiders, death/being killed, not succeeding in life/failing, war, heights, crime/violence, being alone, the future, and nuclear war, Jeremiah stresses fear is usually future-based and that we should focus on God instead of our fears.

Dr Jeremiah breaks fear into ten sections: In a unique arrangement of thought, all the "fears" begin with the letter "D":
Disaster: the Fear of Natural Calamity
Disease: the Fear of Serious Illness
Debt: the Fear of Financial Collapse
Defeat: the Fear of Failure
Disconnection: the Fear of Being Alone
Disapproval: the Fear of Rejection
Danger: the Fear of Sudden Trouble
Depression: the Fear of Mental Breakdown
Death: the Fear of Dying
Deity: the Fear of God

I recommend this book it is easy to read and informative and would be a great study.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book for my review.